之前在玩btf主题的时候就喜欢一图流的效果但是一直没有找到魔改教程,这几天在 煮雪话河山 看到了魔改教程
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| // 首页一图流加载优化 /** * @description 实现medium的渐进加载背景的效果 */ (function() { class ProgressiveLoad { constructor(smallSrc, largeSrc) { this.smallSrc = smallSrc; this.largeSrc = largeSrc; this.initTpl(); this.container.addEventListener('animationend', () => { this.smallStage.style.display = 'none'; }, {once: true}); } initTpl() { this.container = document.createElement('div'); this.smallStage = document.createElement('div'); this.largeStage = document.createElement('div'); this.smallImg = new Image(); this.largeImg = new Image(); this.container.className = 'pl-container'; this.smallStage.className = 'pl-img pl-blur'; this.largeStage.className = 'pl-img'; this.container.appendChild(this.smallStage); this.container.appendChild(this.largeStage); this.smallImg.onload = this._onSmallLoaded.bind(this); this.largeImg.onload = this._onLargeLoaded.bind(this); } progressiveLoad() { this.smallImg.src = this.smallSrc; this.largeImg.src = this.largeSrc; } _onLargeLoaded() { this.largeStage.classList.add('pl-visible'); this.largeStage.style.backgroundImage = `url('${this.largeSrc}')`; } _onSmallLoaded() { this.smallStage.classList.add('pl-visible'); this.smallStage.style.backgroundImage = `url('${this.smallSrc}')`; } } const executeLoad = (config, target) => { console.log('执行渐进背景替换'); const isMobile = window.matchMedia('(max-width: 767px)').matches; const loader = new ProgressiveLoad( isMobile ? config.mobileSmallSrc : config.smallSrc, isMobile ? config.mobileLargeSrc : config.largeSrc ); if (target.children[0]) { target.insertBefore(loader.container, target.children[0]); } loader.progressiveLoad(); }; const ldconfig = { light: { smallSrc: 'https://lsky.mnchen.cn/i/2023/10/24/6536faa024dfa.jpg', //浅色模式 小图链接 尽可能配置小于100k的图片 largeSrc: 'https://lsky.mnchen.cn/i/2023/10/24/6536faa024dfa.jpg', //浅色模式 大图链接 最终显示的图片 mobileSmallSrc: 'https://lsky.mnchen.cn/i/2023/10/24/6536faa024dfa.jpg', //手机端浅色小图链接 尽可能配置小于100k的图片 mobileLargeSrc: 'https://lsky.mnchen.cn/i/2023/10/24/6536faa024dfa.jpg', //手机端浅色大图链接 最终显示的图片 enableRoutes: ['/'], }, dark: { smallSrc: 'https://lsky.mnchen.cn/i/2023/11/10/654e3e6d29b3f.png', //深色模式 小图链接 尽可能配置小于100k的图片 largeSrc: 'https://lsky.mnchen.cn/i/2023/11/10/654e3e6d29b3f.png', //深色模式 大图链接 最终显示的图片 mobileSmallSrc: 'https://lsky.mnchen.cn/i/2023/11/10/654e3e6d29b3f.png', //手机端深色模式小图链接 尽可能配置小于100k的图片 mobileLargeSrc: 'https://lsky.mnchen.cn/i/2023/11/10/654e3e6d29b3f.png', //手机端深色大图链接 最终显示的图片 enableRoutes: ['/'], }, }; const getCurrentTheme = () => { return document.documentElement.getAttribute('data-theme'); } const onThemeChange = () => { const currentTheme = getCurrentTheme(); const config = ldconfig[currentTheme]; initProgressiveLoad(config); document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() { initProgressiveLoad(config); }); document.addEventListener("pjax:complete", function() { onPJAXComplete(config); }); } let initTheme = getCurrentTheme(); let initConfig = ldconfig[initTheme]; initProgressiveLoad(initConfig); const observer = new MutationObserver(mutations => { mutations.forEach(mutation => { if (mutation.attributeName === "data-theme" && location.pathname === '/') { onThemeChange(); } }); }); observer.observe(document.documentElement, { attributes: true, attributeFilter: ["data-theme"] }); function initProgressiveLoad(config) { const container = document.querySelector('.pl-container'); if (container) { container.remove(); } const target = document.getElementById('page-header'); if (target && target.classList.contains('full_page')) { executeLoad(config, target); } } function onPJAXComplete(config) { const target = document.getElementById('page-header'); if (target && target.classList.contains('full_page')) { initProgressiveLoad(config); } } })();
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- 在_config.anzhiyu.yml主题配置文件下inject配置项中head和bottom处
- 分别引入custom.css和imgloaded.js文件
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| inject: head: # 自定义css - <link rel="stylesheet" href="/css/custom.css" media="defer" onload="this.media='all'">
bottom: # 自定义js # - <script src="/js/xxx"></script> - <script async data-pjax src="/js/imgloaded.js?1"></script> # 首页图片渐进式加载
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| lazyload: enable: true field: post # site/post placeholder: blur: true progressive: true
1 2
| # The banner image of home page index_img: "background: url() top / cover no-repeat"
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| const ldconfig = { light: { smallSrc: 'https://lsky.mnchen.cn/i/2023/10/24/6536faa024dfa.jpg', //浅色模式 小图链接 尽可能配置小于100k的图片 largeSrc: 'https://lsky.mnchen.cn/i/2023/10/24/6536faa024dfa.jpg', //浅色模式 大图链接 最终显示的图片 mobileSmallSrc: 'https://lsky.mnchen.cn/i/2023/10/24/6536faa024dfa.jpg', //手机端浅色小图链接 尽可能配置小于100k的图片 mobileLargeSrc: 'https://lsky.mnchen.cn/i/2023/10/24/6536faa024dfa.jpg', //手机端浅色大图链接 最终显示的图片 enableRoutes: ['/'], }, dark: { smallSrc: 'https://lsky.mnchen.cn/i/2023/11/10/654e3e6d29b3f.png', //深色模式 小图链接 尽可能配置小于100k的图片 largeSrc: 'https://lsky.mnchen.cn/i/2023/11/10/654e3e6d29b3f.png', //深色模式 大图链接 最终显示的图片 mobileSmallSrc: 'https://lsky.mnchen.cn/i/2023/11/10/654e3e6d29b3f.png', //手机端深色模式小图链接 尽可能配置小于100k的图片 mobileLargeSrc: 'https://lsky.mnchen.cn/i/2023/11/10/654e3e6d29b3f.png', //手机端深色大图链接 最终显示的图片 enableRoutes: ['/'], }, };